You Don't Have to Die to Go to Heaven
In part five, I asked God what role we have to play and how we can participate.
Me: So, considering our inclination to live independently of you and our general weakness in attempting to live in an upright and correct manner, your Plan appears to be a tall order to fulfil.
God: It is not your responsibility to make any of this happen. That is not how it works. And you are correct: despite all efforts, the human race cannot make the Plan work on its own.
Me: So, how does that happen? Do we simply sit back and wait for you to do whatever you need to do?
God: No, that’s not it. The only way is for you to become intimately connected to me in my realm so that we can collaborate according to its principles.
Me: But I thought I only returned to your realm when I died.
God: Absolutely not. You are already both here and in your world at the same time. It’s just that before you come to accept the fundamentals of what I’ve told you, the part of you that is with me is dormant or asleep. You just need to adopt a different way of thinking, and that reactivates you to allow me to work in you and through you to accomplish the Plan.
Me: But how do I do this? Is there some kind of formula that I need to follow?
God: Not as such, as each person is different. As you wrap your arms around me and allow me to wrap mine around you, you will begin to see life differently. You will gradually stop being hurt by what has happened to you in the past, and you will no longer need to hold a grudge against anyone. You will increasingly develop the ability to be loving and kind to everyone you meet.
Me: Beyond that is there anything else I need to do to help fulfil your Plan?
God: Adopting my nature is the major part of it. If you want though, you have the privilege to help practically, but this is entirely voluntary. I work through a network of beings in my realm, and you can work with them too.
Me: Why do you include other beings in your realm? Isn’t it enough for me to interact with you if you’re all-powerful and all that?
God: You are correct. It is not necessary for you to communicate with anyone other than me in my realm. But that is not how things are done around here.
Me: How do you manage things? I thought you were a benevolent dictator?
God: Not in the least. Contrary to popular belief, I do not go around telling people what they should do. My realm is run as a cosmic democracy, with everyone having a say in what happens. Decisions are made by consensus, and you can be a part of that.